Well, at least I'm a creature of habit. I believe Joshie was 7 months old the last time I posted. He just turned 10 months old! How did that happen?! Here are some stats and comparison to big brother:
8 Months: July 23, 2015
Weight: 20 lb 7 oz
Eating habits: Three meals a day with a night time bottle
Sleeping: 12 hours at night with two naps during the day
Immunizations: -
Disposition: Josh is the sweetest baby ever! He continues to be so laid back, and he is very inquisitive! He adores his grandparents and big brother.
Josh at 8 Months |
Jake at 8 Months |
Weight: 21 lb 4 oz
Eating Habits: Three meals a day plus a night time bottle. I've tried oranges, pineapples and eggs this month. I love the oranges!
Sleeping: Twelve hours at night plus 1-2 naps a day
Immunizations: Hepatitis B and Flu
Disposition: So laid back and sweet! He's into everything. He army crawls all over the place, and Josh had his first trip to St. Vincent ER this month because he fell down the stairs. Luckily no damage was done, I think his fall scared Michael and I more than him.
Josh at 9 Months |
Jake at 9 Months |
Jake at three years |
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